Sunday, June 11, 2006


Anonymous said...
Interesting, Just makes me wonder what (GOD) is doing about his jealousy, you say that Satan is fighting everyday, what does (GOD) do in this fight?? He depends on people like you to spread his word?? Why does he do NOTHING to spread his word? Why does he allow those who defy him to do so without punishment? How can a (GOD) who (loves) ALL OF US let horrible things happen EVERYDAY?

Pami said...
God created this world and everything in it, when he created Adam he gave him dominion on the earth. Adam and Eve failed when they listened to Satan's lies and brought a curse on themselves, their offspring, and the earth itself. Since God gave dominion to men He operates in this world through men, that's why Jesus was sent into this world as a human being, so that ultimately a human without sin will regain dominion of this planet. God still does marvelous, miraculous things for us, but he requires that we pray for those things, or that we take our authority in Christ and claim those things (not necessarily material things, but material things are included). God gave us a book, the Bible, to teach us how to draw close to Him and depend on Him for help. God can avert those "horrible things that happen EVERYDAY" if we ask Him to or take our authority over them, but not unless we do. Since we have dominion on this planet God also gave those who accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord the responsibility to share with others how they can be saved from the destruction awaiting all those who reject salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan also operates here through human beings, he works through them and the curses that were brought into this world through sin, but don't be deceived, God does not allow those who defy Him to do so without punishment, that day is coming, but GOD IS LOVE and He is longsuffering toward us and He gives us every opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour so we will never have to face that day.

This is a link to a site where you can look up scripture references in many different versions of the bible:

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