(I wrote this shortly after the election in 2004)
I am what the mainstream media calls a right wing conservative Christian, and to their consternation, it gives me great pleasure, but I'm angry. We felt it was urgent that President Bush be re-elected. We gathered in churches and in meetings in many places in the country to pray. Some of the most powerful prayers on the planet met in Branson, Missouri right before the election to pray. I for one petitioned God that He would get His children out to vote, and I'm sure I was not alone. Now that we have made our voices heard, the media, the liberals, other countries, etc. are trying to convince this country that our President and our government have a responsibility to become more liberal, move further to the left, and ignore us. If we are in such huge numbers that we influenced an election shouldn't our government and our President pay attention to our opinions? Why do liberals feel their ideals should supercede what the majority of the people of this country have made known in this election that they want?
We believe in God, we believe our first responsibility is to our God, and the fact that left wing extremists working with the mainstream media and liberal judges are trying to push God out of American Society infuriates us. They say, for political reasons, that they believe in God, but then try to legislate Him out of every aspect of our lives, except our churches and our homes, and they would probably try to do that if they felt they could get away with it. They twist laws and the words and intent of the constitution to make unlawful determinations. If they really believed in the one, true God, I think they would be greatly afraid of offending Him. Ps 37:12 "The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth." Ps 37:13 "The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming." They want to silence or hide everything that has to do with Christianity to keep from offending anyone, well they offend me and millions of other Christians when they do this. The problem is they don't really believe in the true and living God, they think you can pick and choose whichever God you want. We believe God gave men freedom of choice and they can choose to worship however and whatever they wish, as long as they are peaceful, we do however know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they are wrong, and that we have a God given responsibility to convince as many as possible of the truth. Just because some don’t believe the truth doesn’t make it any less the truth.
We are fed up with all the political correctness that attempts to imprison our freedom to share the truth with people. Jesus wasn't afraid of offending the Religious leaders of his day, as a matter of fact they were so offended they had Him crucified. He spoke the truth in love in spite of whether people were offended at what he said because he wanted to help them, and we are exhorted to follow His example. Christians are not tolerant of destructive lifestyles nor should we be. We don't hate homosexuals, we want to tell them the truth that will set them free, but common sense and the bible tells us their lifestyle is wrong and we don't want to see it be accepted or be spread freely.
How do we know our truth is the truth, because our God is involved in our lives. He answers our prayers and meets our needs, He heals us when we are sick, and comforts us when we grieve. He sometimes opens seemingly impossible to open doors for us, and yes, He really does speak to us. No, I have not heard God's audible voice, though some have, but He has spoken to me in my heart, in my Spirit, in my thoughts. He speaks through His word, he speaks through people. He is God and He has multitudes of ways to make His will known to us. He convicts, warns, directs, comforts, and expresses His love for us. I was amused when during one of the debates they tried to get President Bush to say he hears from God and follow His directions. Well duh! What world leader would not want to get directions from the Creator of all that exists, who, if not for His great love for us, could destroy this whole planet with a breath. I would have been more comforted if President Bush had said "I do hear from God and I obey Him." Wouldn't the press and the democrats have had a field day with that? For those of us who truly believe in God it seems that any world leader would want to get instructions and advice from Him and admit it despite the fact that some who believe in false gods or no god at all may be offended. I would rather offend them than Almighty God.
We also know our truth is the truth because we see prophesies from the bible happening today. We read about them in our daily newspapers and see their fulfillment on TV news broadcasts. We might be called "wacko" or other scurrilous names but those who are still here the morning the headlines read "MILLIONS MISSING ALL OVER THE WORLD" will regret they did not listen to us. We cringe when we see the leaders of wonderful nations like the United States and Britton pressure Israel to give up their land for peace. According to my Bible there will be a peace but it will be a false, deceptive peace, and that treaty will be broken. Israel will have true peace only when their Messiah and our Lord Jesus Christ sets up His reign in Jerusalem. Most of us who know anything about prophesy don’t believe we have another 50 or 60 years of things continuing as they are. The progress toward this false peace, which precedes the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to set up His kingdom on earth, seems to be developing rapidly. It would not be a shock to many of us if it happens during President Bush’s second term.
I am an introvert, and not very communicative, but I have strong beliefs and opinions and I want to share them because I love this country and want it to be blessed by God and to be what the Bible calls a sheep nation (one that stands with Israel) and I also don’t want anyone to go to hell. Contrary to popular belief we are not all God’s children and not everyone will get to go to Heaven, good television programs such as “Touched By An Angel” gave the wrong impression that all good people go to heaven, but this is deceptive, even some “good” people won’t be there, only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord, who acknowledge that he gave His life as a ransom for us and that we are saved from wrath by His blood sacrifice on the cross, and that we can only be set free by accepting His sacrifice.
We love President Bush and want to see him succeed. We really do want men in our government offices who have the wisdom and courage to make laws based on God's Word and will.